Exciting Opportunity: Join the Upcoming Supreme Court Admission Ceremony!
Download application here.
Application Information
To qualify for admission, an applicant must have been admitted to practice in the highest court of a State, Commonwealth, Territory or Possession, or the District of Columbia for a period of at least three years immediately before the date of application; must not have been the subject of any adverse disciplinary action pronounced or in effect during that three-year period, and must appear to the Court to be of good moral and professional character.
Each applicant must have two sponsors. The sponsors must be members of the Bar of this Court who know you personally and are not related to you by blood or marriage.
The first page should be filled out online, completed in its entirety, and printed. Do not use “all caps.” The second page may be filled out online and printed or handwritten (if legible).
All signatures must be original (wet) signatures from both sponsors and applicant on the same page. Certification and Oath of Admission sections must be complete.
Attach a Certificate of Good Standing from the state supreme court or highest court. Do not submit a certificate from the state bar association or a federal court. The certificate must be from the presiding judge, clerk, or other authorized official of the highest court of a State, Commonwealth, Territory or Possession, or of the District of Columbia, and must state that you have been a member of the bar of that court for at least three years and are in good standing. Only one state court certificate is required. A certificate will be accepted only if it was issued less than one year before the date the application is submitted.
The admission certificate contains the words “in the year of our Lord, two thousand ….” If you would prefer an alternative form that omits these words, check the “alternative certificate” box on the application form.
Email us at nosscr@nosscr.org with any questions!