The Social Security Forum

Advocacy Update: Relief for Some Conn Victims (Copy)

August 29, 2024

As we noted last month, NOSSCR has continued to advocate for relief for the victims of the Eric C. Conn fraud scheme. Finally, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. On August 19, 2024, Commissioner O’Malley sent a letter to Senator Mitch McConnell outlining the long-overdue relief that is finally coming to some of Conn’s former clients.

The relief includes:

  • Terminating the collection of overpayments that stemmed from Conn’s fraud scheme AND refunding the money that has already been collected (with some limited exceptions).
  • Canceling redetermination hearings in cases involving deceased beneficiaries.

As advocates, we know that any cases that have dragged on for more than a decade are necessarily complex and certainly not one-size-fits-all. The relief offered will not “fix” all issues for all of these claimants; however, the relief provided is substantial and will fundamentally change the lives of many of those who have been adversely impacted by this ongoing debacle.

If you have represented any of Conn’s former clients over the past few years, we encourage you to review their files (even if they are closed) to see if any of this relief applies to them. If you have questions about the implications of these changes, please feel free to email Jennifer at If any of Conn’s former clients contact your office looking for assistance or asking questions, please refer to this letter when attempting to guide them, or refer them to our friends at AppalReD Legal Aid, who have been instrumental in continuing this fight and assisting those in need.