The Social Security Forum

CA Reps File Grievance Against CE Edie Glantz

September 27, 2023

Bay Area Legal Aid, the Homeless Action Center, and the Law Office of Katherine Siegfried filed a formal grievance against consultative examiner Dr. Edie Glantz, MD, with California’s Department of Social Services Disability Determination Services on September 15, 2023.

BayLegal alleges that it investigated 32 consultative examination reports by Dr. Glantz and observed patterns of short, cursory examinations, ignoring self-reports and available records, and using boilerplate language contradictory to other medical evidence in the record. The grievance details, for example, Dr. Glantz finding no limitations in fine motor control or fingering for a claimant with an amputated finger.

The grievance asks that DDS suspend referrals to Dr. Glantz during the pendency of the investigation and instruct DDS analysts to give Dr. Glatz’s opinions no weight when those reports are in the evidence.

This is the second grievance about a consultative examiner by Bay Area Legal Aid, having filed a complaint against Dr. Aparna Dixit, PsyD, in January 2023.

For a copy of these grievances, please contact Emily Juneau at or Steve Weiss