Initial and Reconsideration Case List Now Available on ARS/ERE Status Report
January 25, 2024
Jennifer Cronenberg, NOSSCR Senior Counsel, Director of Legal Information
As NOSSCR previously announced, in response to NOSSCR’s advocacy, Social Security has added a new Status Report to the ERE entitled “Get List of Initial and Reconsideration Cases.”
To access this new report, login to your Appointed Representative Services account, click “Enter ERE,” and then click “Get Status Reports.” You should see a new option: “Get List of Initial and Reconsideration Cases.” Select that button and click “submit.”
Once the report is generated, you will be able to see a list of up to 100 of your cases that are pending at the IC/RC level. To see the full list of your cases, click “Download Spreadsheet.” Once you have your list, you will be able to cross-reference the data with your client systems to determine which cases are successfully pending with your representative paperwork attached to the case.
The report only provides the claimant’s name and the last four digits of the SSN. It does not provide a status or distinguish between initial and reconsideration. However, it does allow you to confirm that you are attached to the case and that the case is pending.
If one of your cases does not appear on this list that you believe should, it is likely for one of the following reasons:
- Your 1696 has not yet been processed by the Field Office;
- If this is the case, follow the guidance found in SSA’s Tips and Best Practices for Appointed Representatives.
- Wait 30 days before inquiring about the status of a 1696. (Reminder: You will receive a notification via mail to confirm that your SSA-1696 was processed.)
- To inquire about the status of a 1696, contact your client’s servicing SSA field office or workload support unit (WSU). You can find the servicing field office’s telephone number using the Social Security Office Locator. NOTE: If the Field Office does not have a listed number, please refer to the Field Office Contact list that NOSSCR provided in the December 2023 Forum.
- If it has been over 30 days and you experience difficulty with contacting the servicing office or have not received any response, please contact the respective Regional Communications Director.
- If this is the case, follow the guidance found in SSA’s Tips and Best Practices for Appointed Representatives.
- The case is closed;
- A case may be closed if SSA never received proper application attestation,
- A case may also be closed if a decision has been made but not yet released.
If a case is missing from your report and you have confirmed with the Field Office that an electronic folder exists, your 1696 has been processed and you are listed as the Appointed Representative in eView, and the case is pending, please send the following information to the Regional Communications Director:
- Representative name and RepID
- Claimant name and the last 4 digits of the claimant’s SSN
Please follow the same escalation process if you identify a case on your status report that you do not recognize.
Cases on this list may represent cases that are at the Field Office and cases that are pending at DDS. If a new initial claim is on your case list but you cannot access the electronic folder, the Field Office may not have transferred the case to the DDS yet to create the electronic folder. If it has been more than 30 days and you received the confirmation notice that your SSA-1696 was processed, contact the Field Office to determine what information is still needed to successfully transfer the initial claim to DDS.
Please see pages 13-14 of SSA’s User Guide for more details. If you have additional questions or concerns about this report, please reach out to me at jennifer.cronenberg@nosscr.org.