The Social Security Forum

Local Voices: NOSSCR’s Ground Level Advocacy (Copy)

July 25, 2024

Miles Mitzner, NOSSCR 10th Circuit Board Representative

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, NOSSCR CEO David Camp, 10th Circuit Board Members Gary Jones and I, hosted United States Senator James Lankford in Gary’s home, an unbelievably gorgeous, turn-of-the-century craftsman home in old Oklahoma City, Heritage Hills. Gary’s wife, Susie, provided divine charcuterie, hand-held desserts and other delicacies.

Unfortunately, Senator Lankford’s wife Cindy was unable to attend, though she had planned to be there. Cindy’s Mother, Jeannette Hennessey, was in the last days of Hospice and passed the following day. We wished their family love and prayers at the reception. Many Oklahoma state officers of the Republican Party were in attendance, and we were all invited to ask any question we had. The Senator’s responses were unbelievably candid, responsive, and more than enlightening as to what really goes on up on the Hill and in the White House. All in all, it was a festive, thoroughly enjoyable evening, and we all learned a lot more about our Senator and the goings on in Washington. I highly recommend that other NOSSCR members host such a reception with your Members of Congress. The more we can make friends with our Congress, the more likely our agenda is both heard and acted on.