The Social Security Forum

Meet NOSSCR’s new Communications Director, Benjamin Taylor

May 30, 2024

NOSSCR is pleased to introduce our new Communications Director, Benjamin Taylor. Starting in his new position just a week before our annual conference, Ben hit the ground running as a vital member of our team—and he was thrilled with the chance to meet so many of our members face-to-face! Ben is tasked with managing our multiple communications platforms, developing content, and assisting the team on strategy with subject matter expertise. With a background in the government public health sector, Ben has experience managing and developing communications products and strategies for clinical research centers and numerous small businesses. He has practiced communications professionally since 2013 and enjoys solving complex problems with communications solutions. Outside of work, Ben is an avid cyclist, loves cooking and trading recipes with his family, and has played guitar for 18 years (making the live music component of our Nashville trip a special treat). Welcome aboard, Ben!