The Social Security Forum

NOSSCR Members Share Their Voices on Capitol Hill (Copy)

September 27, 2024

This month two of our NOSSCR members, Meghan Gallo of Arkansas and Rob Wendt of South Carolina, joined NOSSCR on Capitol Hill to share personal stories and perspectives with their elected officials.

Meghan, an 8th Circuit Sustaining Member, recounts her day like this:

“This was my first time meeting with members of Congress on Capitol Hill, and the experience was both encouraging and eye-opening. I was impressed by their genuine interest and concern for the disabled community, as well as their willingness to listen and engage in meaningful discussions about the struggles our clients face throughout the challenging Social Security disability process. They also openly shared their own experiences and concerns, making for a truly productive and insightful exchange.”

Rob, who is currently serving as our Board Treasurer, summed up his experience as follows:

“Visiting your own members of Congress and their staff in Washington is powerful advocacy. I’ve done Capitol Hill visits for years and doing them with the professional guidance of NOSSCR’s Government Relations Director Betsy Rosecan and CEO David Camp makes it easy and fun, and better yet, highly effective. All NOSSCR members have powerful stories about our clients’ struggles with the disability process, and your members of Congress need to hear them.”

We were privileged to spend a day with each of these great members while helping to elevate their voices in D.C. We encourage all of our members to participate in this type of hands-on advocacy. If you would like to talk more about how you can get involved, please reach out to us as