The Social Security Forum

Piemonte’s Perspective (Copy)

August 29, 2024

George Piemonte, NOSSCR 11th Circuit Board Representative

Another good claimant to have is a worker who needs excess training or supervision. Unskilled workers will not be coddled. SVP 2 jobs can be learned in up to 30 days, so there is no reason an employer will keep a worker who cannot learn the job in that time (maybe even less). A claimant who does not meet the requirements of 12.05 may take longer to learn the job or may need reminders. Physical or mental impairments may reduce concentration and attention and cause the claimant to be off task.

Ask the VE why an employer would keep a worker who needs more time to learn the job, needs extra reminders, or is off task when they can hire someone off the street who can do the job in 30 days or less, stay on task, and does not need reminders.

It is crucial to build a strong case demonstrating that your claimant cannot learn an unskilled job in 30 days or less. Similarly, proving their inability to stay focused on the job or their need for excessive reminders is equally important. This evidence can be gathered from your claimant’s testimony, lay statements, and medical opinions. A statement from a previous employer, supervisor, or co-worker would be particularly beneficial. As we have discussed before, be creative. Your role is to demonstrate why your claimant is disabled.