The Social Security Forum

President’s Corner (Copy)

August 29, 2024

Rick Fleming, NOSSCR President

It has been a very busy summer at NOSSCR. Earlier this month we held Circuit elections, and I will announce the results at the membership meeting on August 30 from 6-7 P.M. Eastern. Thank you to all the candidates and thank you to all who voted. The newly comprised NOSSCR board will then meet at the NOSSCR office for a board meeting on Friday September 13.  

Mark your calendars to join a webinar on September 12 from 3-3:30 P.M. Eastern entitled “Make the Invisible Visible: Proving Subjective Symptoms” presented by Jason Heinze. In this short 30-minute webinar, Jason will review a variety of methods for documenting these invisible symptoms. He’ll also provide forms you can start using in your practice right away to collect this helpful evidence from your clients. 

Then, on September 20 and September 21 the Fifth Circuit Conference (FOSSCR) will take place in San Antonio TX. 

Next, on October 10-12, NextGen will be in Portland for its retreat. If you have been practicing for less than ten years or are under the age of 40, this event is an experience like no other. The smaller size group is perfect for building deeper connections while earning CLE credit along with a slate of activities true to the city’s character. 

Finally, join us in Raleigh, NC from October 24-25 for the SE Regional Conference

If you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at any of these events please reach out to us at

NOSSCR is strong because of its members—we strive to bring you top-notch continuing education sessions and fun opportunities to connect with your fellow members. So please join us at our late summer and fall events – and let us know if there’s a program or event that you would like to see in the future!