The Social Security Forum

SSAB Releases Paper on SSI and Incarceration

December 19, 2024

This week, the Social Security Advisory Board issued a report on SSI and incarceration, which they describe as follows:

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is not payable when someone is incarcerated for a full calendar month. People whose SSI was suspended or terminated during incarceration, as well as people who have not received SSI before, may apply for benefits shortly before or after release. Obtaining replacement Social Security cards may also be important for many people who are leaving incarceration. 
The Board’s report describes Social Security Administration (SSA) policies and procedures regarding SSI and incarceration. It makes several recommendations to SSA to improve the process and outcomes for people leaving incarceration, SSA staff, and employees of correctional facilities. The Board also recommends two legislative changes: incentive payments to correctional facilities that report the release of people who received SSI before incarceration, and indefinite suspension of SSI rather than terminating benefits and requiring new applications. 

You can access the report here or read and download it below.