The Social Security Forum

SSA’s Action Plan for 2024

August 28, 2024

When Commissioner O’Malley joined Social Security, NOSSCR welcomed him with an 18-page letter detailing the challenges facing the agency and the productive steps that he could take to effectuate meaningful change. Since sending our Christmas letter to the Commissioner, we have been pleased with the agency’s willingness to listen to the advocate community and take bold steps to improve the disability system.

On August 14, 2024, SSA released their Action Plan for 2024. We are proud that the top priorities of NOSSCR and other advocates are in this plan, as are the needs of SSA’s front line employees and benefit recipients. The plan details modernization efforts, cost savings, updates to policy, and commonsense strategies that will improve agency operations.

This is an ambitious to-do list, to be sure. But it is responsive to the issues that NOSSCR has been highlighting for many years (including holidays!), and we are grateful that the agency is listening and is working with us. We are proud of all that has been accomplished this year, and we will continue to work with the agency as we implement these changes together.