The Social Security Forum

SSA’s Equity Plan

February 29, 2024

SSA has released an update on the progress they made toward their 2023 equity goals. They also outline the following strategies to advance equity in FY 2024:

  • Improve Access to the Supplemental Security Income Program for Women, Families, Individuals from Underserved Communities, and Other People Facing Barriers
  • Improve Equity in Access to Our Programs for Our Customers Who Communicate Primarily in Languages Other than English
  • Reduce Pending SSI Underpayments to Improve Equity in the Delivery of Payments to Our Customers Disproportionately Affected by Poverty
  • Increase Awareness of Survivors Benefits Eligibility for Children and Families, Same-Sex Couples, and People Disproportionately Impacted by COVID-19
  • Increase Race and Ethnicity Data Collection to Further Identify, Monitor, and Address Service Inequities

You can read the full report below.