SSA’s Updated Signature Requirements
September 25, 2024
For years, NOSSCR has been working directly with SSA leadership, encouraging them to pivot to electronic signatures and eliminate unnecessary signatures and mailings. Now, we are seeing some substantial progress.
You may have seen SSA’s announcement that signature requirements have been removed from 13 commonly used forms. We are happy to report that these are the forms that no longer require a signature:
- SSA-787 – Medical Source Opinion of Patient’s Capability to Manage Benefits
- SSA-3661 – Transmittal of Title XVI Referral to Designated State Agency
- SSA-L8125-F6 – Supplemental Security Income Notice of Interim Assistance Reimbursement
- SSA-L1103 – Supplemental Security Income Request for Information
- SSA-2010 – Statement for Determining Continuing Entitlement for Special Veterans Benefits (SVB)
- SSA-765 – Response to Notice of Revised Determination
- SSA-789-U4 – Request for Reconsideration – Disability Cessation – Right to Appear
- SSA-3885 – Government Pension Questionnaire
- SSA-3385-BK – Report of Adult Functioning – Employer
- SSA-150 – Modified Benefit Formula Questionnaire
- SSA-4162 – Childcare Dropout Questionnaire
- SSA-7160-F4 – Employment Relationship Questionnaire
- SSA-L4201-BK – Letter to Employer Requesting Wage Information
Please know that SSA is continuing to review their forms and will be removing additional signature requirements in the near future.
For forms where signatures cannot be removed, the agency is rapidly adding e-signature options, allowing SSA/DDS to send the claimant a link to initiate e-sign as well as providing new online e-sign options for more than 30 forms including:
- SSA-820/821 – Work Activity Reports
- SSA-632 – Request for a Waiver of Overpayment Recovery
- SSA-634 – Request for Change in Overpayment Recovery Rate
We know that many in our community are anxiously awaiting the day when electronically signed SSA-1696s and FAs will be easily accepted by SSA. For now, please know that EM-20022 is still in effect and the retention date will not be an issue. Please follow the instructions in this Emergency Message and report any Field Office acceptance issues to the appropriate Regional Communications Directors. Should problems with specific offices recur after appropriate escalation, please let NOSSCR know so that we can take action. We expect to see the conversion of the EM into a permanent POMS section soon.
We are excited to see that the agency is taking seriously the need for modernization, and we will continue to advocate for improved and simplified access so that your practices and your clients’ lives can run more smoothly.