The Social Security Forum

Your contributions propel NOSSCR’s advocacy!

May 30, 2024

Ann Atkinson, NOSSCR PAC Chair

Dear NOSSCR Colleagues:

Due in large part to NOSSCR’s efforts, over the past year we have seen more progress toward improvements in Social Security’s disability system then we have seen over the past several decades. 

You have already recognized that your NOSSCR membership is an essential investment in your practice. You may have overlooked another: a donation to NOSSCR PAC.

One of the most important ways NOSSCR advocates for our clients and our profession is through the NOSSCR PAC. The PAC’s work is often behind the scenes, but we are seen by both Congress and its staff as the “go to” source for reliable information about the Social Security disability system. Our mission is to “educate, support, and elect candidates for Congress who advocate for Social Security disability programs and ensure that all Americans have access to highly qualified Social Security representatives.” We are bipartisan and concentrate on supporting congressional members on committees with jurisdiction over Social Security.

In our individual practices, we advocate for our disabled clients every day in court; NOSSCR PAC advocates for them every day in Congress. 

Although this is a vital part of NOSSCR’s work on behalf of our clients, fewer than 5% of our members contribute to the PAC. A PAC donation does not need to be large to be effective; even $10 per month helps to give our disabled clients a voice in Congress, and it is a vital investment in your practice.

If you already give to the PAC, thank you!  If not, please consider donating today by going to this link.

Yours in effective advocacy,

Ann Atkinson

2024 NOSSCR PAC Chair

Contributions to the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives PAC (NOSSCR PAC) are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to NOSSCR PAC will be used to support federal and state candidates, political parties, and other political committees.  Contributions are strictly voluntary.  You may refuse to contribute without reprisal.  Any proposed contribution level is merely a suggestion, and you are free to contribute more or less than suggested.  You will not benefit or be disadvantaged by reason of the amount of your contribution or a decision not to contribute.  Federal law requires NOSSCR PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of persons whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.  You must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the U.S. to contribute.