Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Consistent with Article IX, Section 3 of NOSSCR’s bylaws, the Executive Committee’s agenda is to oversee the regular and consistent operation of NOSSCR, prepare materials for full board meetings, and develop specific plans of action with the President, CEO, and CSO. The Executive Committee does not consider agenda items or act with any authority inconsistent with previous direction or policy determined by the full board. From time to time, more specific agenda items are considered. If and when that occurs, those specific items are described to the board in advance of the Executive Committee’s meetings.
At Large
Circuit Representatives
At-large director application
Unless otherwise specified in NOSSCR’s bylaws, a Board member’s term ends by declining to run for reelection, losing an election, or resigning. Unless determined by Article VI, Section 7 (Resignation or Removal), the last day of the departing Board member’s term is the date before the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.
Minimum standards for consideration of a candidate for NOSSCR’s Board of Directors (whether for a Circuit election or the Board’s selection of at-large members) are provided in NOSSCR’s bylaws, Article VI, Section 3. Annually in June, NOSSCR solicits candidacy proposals for Circuit seat elections. Each fall and from time-to-time, the Board votes on at-large seats, members to complete unexpired terms, and for officers. Candidacy proposals include candidate statements, disclosures, and detailed reporting of possible conflicts. NOSSCR’s Nominations and Elections Committee considers candidacy proposals and puts forward those who satisfy appropriate criteria as directed by the President and Secretary, consistent with NOSSCR’s mission.
NOSSCR’s Nominations and Elections Committee will consider as negative factors (making it less likely the candidate will be nominated for voting) whether the individual previously served on NOSSCR’s board yet missed board meetings without notice and good cause, failed to lead Circuit roundtable events at our conferences, failed to lead periodic Circuit update meetings, disrupted meetings or other NOSSCR activities, or otherwise failed to support and pursue NOSSCR’s mission from a leadership role. The Committee will consider as positive factors (making it more likely the candidate will be nominated for voting) whether the individual has evidenced a willingness and capacity to support NOSSCR’s mission from a leadership position, and whether the individual would help the Board reflect the many types of practitioners who qualify for NOSSCR membership.