The National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) is a pioneer in legal education and advocacy for people with disabilities. Our national network of Social Security claimants’ representatives provides valuable resources to those who specialize in Social Security disability benefits, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

With your membership, you will have access to the resources and network to provide the highest quality representation for your clients – and to win more cases.

To mail in a form instead, click here. For our renewal form, click here.

Regular Membership

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regulatory changes,
industry news, and more.

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and more.

Real-Time Updates

Learn about major SSA
proposals or changes

Member Discounts

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NOSSCR conferences
and webinars.

Referral Program

Acquire new clients
through the referral
program (1 area code/member).

Job Boards

Recruit employees or find
your next job on
NOSSCR’s job Board.


Learn about major SSA
proposals or changes


Lower prices on
NOSSCR conferences
and webinars.

Sustaining Member

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on events, webinars,
and other products.

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online list of
sustaining members.

Exclusive Networking

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to Sustaining Member
networking events.