The Social Security Forum

In the News

SSA’s Action Plan for 2024 (Copy)

Take a look behind the scenes as SSA details their accomplishments, ongoing projects, and future goals (and keep an eye out for the many NOSSCR priorities that are mentioned therein).

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Advocacy Update: Relief for Some Conn Victims (Copy)

Advocacy in action: an update to our piece from last month about those still suffering in the wake of the Conn scandal—finally some good news.

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NOSSCR Files OIG Complaint Against Vocational Expert (Copy)

Litigation Director Tom Krause provides background and insight into NOSSCR’s recently filed OIG Complaint.

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President’s Corner (Copy)

NOSSCR’s President keeps you up to date on the latest happenings and provides reminders for events you won’t want to miss!

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Social Security Makes Progress Toward Online SSI Application (Copy)

Learn about the agency’s latest step in the SSI application simplification process – and submit your own comments on their proposed action.

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Piemonte’s Perspective (Copy)

Past NOSSCR President and current 11th Circuit Board Representative George Piemonte offers practical advice for responsible and effective hearing preparation.

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Senator Tim Kaine Urges SSA to Take Action on Long COVID (Copy)

Read the Senator’s letter to the agency where you will recognize many of NOSSCR’s top priorities.

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Krause Chronicles: My Journey to NOSSCR (Copy)

NOSSCR’s Tom Krause brings you stories of how we got here and why it matters. This month: Tom’s journey.

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Just Ask Jennifer (Copy)

NOSSCR’s Senior Counsel tackles commonly asked questions and provides best practice reminders. This month: payments to entities and hearing modalities.

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Legislative Spotlight (Copy)

NOSSCR’s Government Relations Director, Betsy Osborn, updates you on the latest legislation impacting Social Security.

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Understanding the Complexities of SSA Regulations: Insights from Jones v. O’Malley (Copy)

Sustaining Member Adriana M. de la Torre takes a close look at a recent Fifth Circuit decision, outlining practice tips along the way.

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PAC Contributor List (Copy)

NOSSCR is thankful for the ongoing generous support of our PAC contributors!

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Daily Dose of Data from SSA (Copy)

Dive into the latest statistical and actuarial updates from the agency, including the most recent issue of the agency’s quarterly publication, the Social Security Bulletin.

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Useful Resources (Copy)

Find links for the SCO to the DOT, Grid Rules, Listings, contact information for the Field Offices and Regional Communications Directors, DDS site codes, POMS recent changes, Emergency Messages, and much more! 

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