The Social Security Forum
Volume 46
Number 6

June 2024

In the News

President’s Corner

NOSSCR’s President keeps you up to date on the latest happenings and provides reminders for events you won’t want to miss!

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Piemonte’s Perspective

Past NOSSCR President and current 11th Circuit Board Representative George Piemonte offers practical advice for responsible and effective hearing preparation.

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Call for Virtual Conference speakers!

Want to speak at our December 2024 Virtual Conference? Proposals are due by August 1st!

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Past Relevant Work now = 5 years

The new definition of Past Relevant Work is now in effect. We take a look at the updates SSA has made to effectuate this change.

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Upcoming NOSSCR events

Registration is now open for our exciting slate of upcoming in-person and virtual fall events – space is limited so reserve your spot today!

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Just ask Jennifer: Change of business address

NOSSCR’s Senior Counsel tackles commonly asked questions and provides best practice reminders. This month: what to do if your business moves.

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Legislative Spotlight

NOSSCR’s Government Relations Director updates you on the latest bills impacting Social Security.

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Bypassing the Appeals Council?

Could the AC’s own motion or focused review provide an avenue to fast-track a federal court filing? Tom Krause takes a look at a recent district court decision.

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Medical records fee change for Tennessee

Effective July 1, 2024, non-hospital medical providers in TN are limited to a flat fee of $20 for an electronic copy of medical records for Social Security claimants.

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Member brief bank: Call for briefs

With all of the recent agency changes, we are hoping to update our brief bank to better reflect current law and policy.

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Recently updated policies

Take a quick look at the most recent updates from SSA and the impact of the changes on your practice.

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The Krause Chronicles: Honoring the career of Senior District Judge Robert Pratt

NOSSCR’s Tom Krause brings you stories of how we got here and why it matters. This month: a look back at the exemplary career of longtime NOSSCR member Judge Robert Pratt.

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Social Security releases new study

This month Social Security released a new study entitled “Structurally Disabled: A Qualitative Study of Structural Contributors to Disability.”

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Opening July 1st – NOSSCR Merch Store!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new online merchandise store!

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PAC Contributor List

NOSSCR is thankful for the ongoing generous support of our PAC contributors!

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Daily dose of data from SSA

The latest statistical and actuarial updates from the agency.

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An update on Forum printing

NOSSCR understands that having a printable Forum is important to many of our members, and as such, we are pleased to offer a new printable version of the Forum!

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Useful Resources

Find the most recent OHO caseload analysis report, contact information for every Field Office and Regional Communications Director, SSA’s updated rules and regulations, ALJ statistics, and other publicly released data.

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