What should I expect?
We use several systems to ensure a quality experience for both callers and NOSSCR members, including Communicare Call Solutions as our contact center, 8×8 phone systems, Disability Equality for invoicing and quality control, and Wave for the online billing platform. We may update which contractors we engage with over time and will always prioritize quality service, data security, and legal compliance. If you have any questions about how these various services are connected, let us know.
What is the experience of a caller?
Calls are answered live by experienced and trained staff. We strive to find help for every caller, including help from nonprofits. We’re excited that this new structure provides much more help to those who call us seeking a referral.
Can I take cases local to my office?
Yes! We’ve worked hard to create a method to distribute calls according to your preferred zip code. This lets you focus your practice near your office or a specific hearing site. We hope you’ll sign up for as narrow or broad a geographic area as your practice serves. We know some prefer to cover entire regions, while others stay more local–and that’s why we’re now sorting callers by zip code.
Are the calls recorded?
Yes, with consent.
Do you use auto-dialers?
When can I start?
We will go live on April 1, 2025.
How do you help callers with overpayments, CDRs, and other issues that may not generate a fee?
The same way we always have–our members! If you are willing to assist on cases that may not generate a fee, please complete this form https://airtable.com/appDOjG9u3pGEojNs/pag9egppL62qDlJnp/form so we can transfer as many or as few claimants as you can help. We will always work to balance the availability of referrals in a way that matches your NOSSCR membership, because NOSSCR is an individual-membership nonprofit.
What’s the refund policy?
We understand that not every referral will result in a client relationship, as representatives must apply their own professional judgment and screening criteria to each potential case. Our staff is trained to screen callers and make appropriate determinations about potential eligibility for SSDI or SSI benefits (including making sure the caller isn’t represented and has a pending claim)—but we must leave it to you to determine if your services are appropriate. Therefore, to ensure the sustainability of our non-profit mission and the efficient operation of our service, all fees are non-refundable once a warm transfer to a participating member has been completed. In other words, the pricing includes an assumption that not every referral will be accepted–although we hope you help as many callers as you can. As a nonprofit organization, our resources are limited. Processing refunds would significantly strain our staff bandwidth. The referral fee covers the cost of our intake process and the technology infrastructure used to connect callers with representatives.
The Value of Speaking to the Caller
We believe those who call NOSSCR seeking help deserve high quality and personal service. That’s one of the reasons we’ve moved to live-answering the calls, and then a “warm” handoff to your number. The claimants who call NOSSCR can trust that we aren’t putting them through phone trees or frustrating automated systems.
What are the various companies that are involved?
NOSSCR itself focuses staff on advocacy, conferences, continuing education, and other direct member services. The referral service was historically a sideline effort, and then an automated system. Neither method worked to maximize representation, and so NOSSCR has spent the last year vetting various providers to establish this new referral method with a contact center and better services to both the callers and the NOSSCR members participating. We’re using Wave for credit card processing and other invoicing, which minimizes fees and maintains your financial data securely. We’ve set up a telephone system using 8×8—an industry leader for custom solutions with minimal downtime. We’re partnering with a nonprofit Disability Equality, which was established to manage the quality of the contact center while expanding the ways we help callers beyond just new disability claims—to include overpayments, work incentives such as Ticket to Work, or other appropriate legal matters.
NOSSCR believes in transparency. If you’d like to see any documentation, just let us know. We’re proud of this new structure, which, in testing, has more than doubled the number of callers who find professional help. Please feel free to let us know if it works for your practice!
How do I get started?
Complete this form https://airtable.com/appmyzgPIXoYuLzuQ/pag9egppL62qDlJnp/form with your preferences, and we will prepare a contract for signature.