Senate HELP Long COVID hearing

By Published On: February 14, 2024Last Updated: December 20, 20240.9 min read

NOSSCR recognizes the unique challenges that those suffering from Long COVID face when navigating the Social Security disability process. Social Security has always been slow to recognize the severity of “invisible illnesses,” and Long COVID is no exception. Long COVID sufferers struggle to prove that their symptoms are disabling because many evade objective measurement, and diagnostic patterns are only recently established within the medical community.  

NOSSCR’s role is to advocate for our members and their clients by getting the message to SSA, Capitol Hill, and the national media that Long COVID sufferers deserve recognition under the law.   

Consider the exchange with Sen. Tim Kaine in the video below: 


Rachel Beale, seen in the hearing video highlighting the challenges of the claims process, will be joining NOSSCR at our Annual Conference in Nashville to speak at our General Session on Thursday morning, May 9th.  

You don’t want to miss it – register for our Annual Conference today. 

If you want to help NOSSCR continue to build relationships with members of Congress to educate them on our concerns with SSA’s disability process, consider donating to the NOSSCR PAC.


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