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Five months is too long. 12 years is too long. We need the Social Security 2100 Act now.
Rep. Larson & Barbara Silverstone NOSSCR supports the reintroduction of the Social Security 2100 legislation. This important legislation ensures the modernization of the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the future solvency of the...
8 New Ways to Find Local Clients
As a Social Security disability representative, finding new clients can be challenging. While some practitioners find paying for leads effective, it is only one strategy of many. Building local relationships, goodwill, and name recognition will...
Behind the Scenes: A typical day for Executive Director Barbara Silverstone is unpredictable
What is a typical day for me as NOSSCR’s Executive Director? It’s a simple question, but it does not have a simple answer. No two days are the same for me. I began as the...