The Social Security Forum

President’s Corner

April 24, 2024

Rick Fleming, NOSSCR President

I look forward to seeing you in Nashville for the 2024 NOSSCR annual conference. We have top-notch sessions plus a lot of events planned that you will not want to miss. We’ve incorporated live music, meals, and lots of opportunities to network and enjoy time with new and old friends. I want to highlight one event—the President’s reception. We’re excited to announce that we’ve made this event FREE and open to all attendees. It will be held on Friday, May 10, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in Legends Ballroom. Please plan to come by and say hello.

Reminder: There’s an extra step to sign up for events like the Scully Networking & Awards Dinner and the morning yoga. Add them to your registration in one of two ways:

  • Click on the “My Participation” tab of your NOSSCR profile and scroll to the bottom of the page to add program items. 
  • Click “Register” from the conference page and scroll down to “Upcoming events” to find your registration. Click “2024 NOSSCR Annual Conference” and scroll to the bottom of the page to add program items.

Our general session will include Commissioner Martin O’Malley, who, as I believe you will agree, has had the most productive first 100 days many of us have ever seen. From the multiple Federal Register publications, the fee cap adjustment, the work on overpayments, and his site visits to SSA Field Offices, Commissioner O’Malley hit the ground running. NOSSCR has actively partnered with the Commissioner since day one to tackle issues and improve the lives of claimants, their families, and those who advocate on their behalf. 

I would also like to encourage those who can donate to give to the Rudolph Patterson Scholarship Fund. Your gift helps other members attend events they may not otherwise be able to afford.  Thank you in advance for your generosity. Follow this link to give: