The Social Security Forum

President’s Corner

June 27, 2024

Rick Fleming, NOSSCR President

Summer of Learning:

NOSSCR is pleased to be your go-to source for up-to-date information and education. We have a jam-packed summer of events scheduled to keep you informed and ensure your skills are razor-sharp. We look forward to seeing you at these virtual and in-person events! 

July kicks off with an exciting topic from Diane Haar: “Leveraging Technology and Artificial Intelligence to Increase Your Efficiency and Bottom Line,” presented virtually on July 8th at 4 pm Eastern. This session will focus on hot technology topics for small firms and solo Social Security practitioners, particularly how to leverage technology to get more help for less money.  Registration is open

We are also proud to present the next installment in our vocational series. On July 19th at 3 pm Eastern, Matt Richter and Eric Farr will discuss “The Importance of Developing Regional Job Numbers.” Register now!

August continues your summer of learning with many interesting sessions, such as “Mandamus Primer: Tackling Fee Delays,” “Case Study-Untangling Complex Employment Income Issues,” and “Overpayments Training,” among others. Make sure you keep an eye on the NOSSCR events calendar so you don’t miss out!

Is there a topic you feel needs to be covered? Interested in speaking at a NOSSCR event? Our call for presenters for our virtual conference is now open! Submit your proposal here. You can always reach out to us at with questions or suggestions.

NOSSCR Elections:

Don’t forget to vote this summer!

Our bylaws provide for the election of Board members according to federal judicial circuits. If the NOSSCR membership in a circuit exceeds 200 members, that circuit is entitled to a second Board member. Based on our membership as of our June 1 census, our upcoming Board will have two seats from the 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 11th circuits and one seat from the others. Board members serve two-year terms, starting with the fall meeting.

The Nominations and Elections Committee’s list of approved nominees will be emailed later in July to NOSSCR members eligible to vote. In August, ballots will be emailed, providing access to Candidate Statements. We expect to use our longstanding secure online provider, Simply Voting, so please be aware that ballots may originate from You will have access to the ballots and voting through a link provided to you in your email.

The results will be announced in an online membership meeting on August 30th, and newly elected circuit representatives will join the board on the date of the September board meeting.