Five months is too long. 12 years is too long. We need the Social Security 2100 Act now.

By Published On: October 26, 2021Last Updated: May 24, 20240.8 min read

Rep. Larson & Barbara Silverstone

NOSSCR supports the reintroduction of the Social Security 2100 legislation.

This important legislation ensures the modernization of the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the future solvency of the program.

NOSSCR is especially pleased that the bill addresses NOSSCR’s top legislative priorities, increasing the fee cap for claimants’ representatives and ending the five-month wait before claimants are able to receive their Social Security Disability benefit. The inclusion of these provisions results in a fairer and more efficient Social Security Disability program.

We have worked closely with Chairman John Larson (D-CT) and his staff on these important provisions in the past and commends him for their inclusion in this bill.

We look forward to working with Chairman Larson and the many co-sponsors of this legislation to secure a timely passage of this bill.

Click here to read NOSSCR’s press release.

Click here to read Rep. Larson’s letter to NOSSCR’s ED Barbara Silverstone.


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