Watch Our ED Moderate the “Equity in Claimant Representation” Panel at SSA’s Forum
Executive Director Barbara Silverstone will be moderating a panel at the Social Security Administration(SSA)‘s National Disability Forum (NDF) on September 15 titled “Equity in Claimant Representation”! On the panel will be several NOSSCR members as well.
To register to watch by September 13, go to To learn more, visit
The purpose of the forum is to hear from stakeholders, advocates, claimants, representatives, and the public about the President’s Executive Order On “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government” and our programs. The morning session will focus on identifying potential barriers in SSA programs and the steps SSA can take to address those barriers. The afternoon session will focus on equity in claimant representation.
The NDF will run from 10am to 3pm eastern time (with a lunch break at noon). The morning session, 10am – 12pm, is titled“Advancing Equity” and will be moderated by Tracy Gronniger, directing attorney for Justice in Aging’s Economic Security team. The afternoon session, 1pm – 3pm, is titled“Equity in Claimant Representation” and will be moderated by Barbara Silverstone, NOSSCR’s executive director, and includes several NOSSCR members as panelists.
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