Announcing Our Virtual Day of Advocacy, Training, and Action!
All members are invited to join us on October 19th, from 2pm to 4pm eastern time, for our “Virtual Day of Advocacy, Training, and Action”!
Our Director of Political and Legislative Strategy Michael Linskey will take you through the ins and outs of advocating on behalf of yourself and your clients on the Hill, in your district, and from your phone. Together, we will learn, practice, and even act! By the end of this training, you will feel empowered to use your voice and will be less intimidated by common misconceptions or roadblocks.
Topics include:
- “Why NOSSCR Members need to be Political Engaged: All politics is local, personal, and competitive”
- “How to Become Politically Engaged: The Basics”
- “How to Start a Relationship With Your Member of Congress”
- “The Next Level: How to Become a Trusted Resource for Your Member of Congress”
Members, register today to join us free of charge with your membership! Email
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