NOSSCR Launches a New Automated Referral Service

By Published On: April 25, 2022Last Updated: May 2, 20241 min read

NOSSCR’s new and improved automated lawyer referral service opens today! We’re excited to provide this new service for our members to generate new leads for many more potential Social Security disability clients.

The new automated system tracks the caller’s area code and rotates through disability representatives who registered to receive calls from that code. The more eligible NOSSCR members you have in your office, the more lead-generating calls your office may receive.

Eligibility for enrollment includes:

  • A current NOSSCR membership;
  • Being an attorney in private practice;
  • Being in good standing with one’s state bar;
  • Not disqualified from representing Social Security claimants;
  • And professional malpractice insurance with minimum liability coverage of $100,000 per occurrence.


Eligible members may select how many and which area codes they would like to receive calls from; one area code is included with each regular membership and three with each sustaining membership.

Additional area codes are available for purchase; discounts are available for bulk purchasing and sustaining members receive a 20% discount on all purchases as well.

To learn more about the new service, visit If you are interested in considering a NOSSCR membership with this new service, visit


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